InCoGITE 2022 - Universitas Pelita Harapan

The impact of the Covid-19 pandemic has dramatically affected the economy of the entire country. One of the most impactful sectors of the economy is the tourism sector. The income trend of the tourism sector decreased. The change is due to the policies of each country regarding restrictions on activities. This policy has caused working hours to decrease, so tourism destinations, hospitality, restaurants, and other industries have also experienced a decline. The decline in tourism sector income affects national income. This sector is also one of the mainstay sectors of foreign exchange sources for a country, so if this sector experiences a decline, the country’s foreign exchange will certainly also decrease.

The Indo-Pacific region has a population of 3/5 of the world’s population. If the region’s revenues do not recover soon, there may be a global crisis. Indonesia and Australia are part of the Indo-Pacific region, where the tourism sector is among the leading destinations for foreign tourists. Therefore, improvements need to make to restore the world economy. One of the ways of improvement is through academic activities between universities called International Conference. Through this activity, there can be discussions of views, strategies, and discussions from various academics, practitioners, and governments to revive the tourism sector, especially in the Indo-Pacific region. Through this media, each participant can exchange ideas related to information in restoring the national economy, especially the tourism sector in various countries. Academics can publish the results of their thoughts or research that are likely to be implemented for practitioners and can also be a policy basis for the government.

Therefore, this activity aims to support the government in improving business after the Covid-19 pandemic. Through this activity, we can discuss how to innovate and make the tourism sector sustainable. So the theme of the 4th international conference on Global Innovation and Trend in Economy and 2nd Hospitour is:

“Regenerative Economy, Business & Tourism: Through innovation & Sustainability”

In this case, Pelita Harapan University, Multimedia Nusantara University, and Swiss-German University collaborate with the Victorian Government – Australia to realize the fulfillment of the interests of each country in improving the quality of education, research, and community service, which is the tri dharma of higher education. This cooperation activity in the education sector is a form of the bilateral agreement between Indonesia and Australia to improve the quality of human resources of each country. International Conference hoped that several Australian University Victorian Governments would collaborate as speakers, reviewers, researchers, and participants. International cooperation needs to be carried out by a country to meet the needs and welfare of the community. Through this activity, it will be hoped that Indonesia, in this case through UPH, UMN, SGU as academics, can collaborate with the Australian Victorian government to support government policy programs in improving the function of the tourism sector after the Covid-19 pandemic.


International Conference on Global Innovation and Trends in Economy 2022 
