Conference Series
<p><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><strong><img style="float: left; width: 210px; margin-top: 8px; margin-right: 10px; border: 2px solid#4682b4;" src="" /></strong></a>ADI International Conference Series (AICS) is part of <strong><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Pandawan Incorporation</a></strong> is a free and open access scientific journal published by <strong><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">ADI (Asosiasi Dosen Indonesia)</a></strong> Publisher and supported by <strong><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Alphabet Incubator</a></strong>, in order to facilitate scientific journals produced by Civitas Academika in the field of Business and Digital Economy, Cryptography, Creativepreneur, Financial Management and Economic and Business Education in facing the digital era in Indonesia. All submitted articles will undergo a Strict Double-Blind Peer-Reviewing process. Published articles will have a Digital Object Indentifier (DOI).</p>ADI Publisheren-USConference Series2774-9576Research Method and Publications in Religious Studies
<p><em><span style="font-weight: 400;">This abstract presents an overview of a study focused on quantitative research, addressing research problems and ethical considerations. The study aims to provide direct answers to research questions through the formulation of hypotheses and research statements. It emphasizes the importance of expressing gratitude to those who contribute to scientific research, including funding providers, facilities supporters, and collaborators. Ethical standards are highlighted, with a focus on avoiding plagiarism, practicing effective quoting skills, and adhering to principles such as non-maleficence, beneficence, justice, respect for individuals, and informed consent. The study highlights the significance of formulating research problems and concludes that narrative conclusions should directly address the research question(s). Overall, the study emphasizes the importance of ethical conduct, acknowledges the support received in scientific research, and emphasizes the need for clear and direct conclusions.</span></em><em><span style="font-weight: 400;"><br /></span></em></p>Achmad Syahid
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2022-08-082022-08-084211410.34306/conferenceseries.v4i2.958Science, Examining The Fingerprint Of God
<p>From Romans 1:18-22, “For the wrath of God is revealed from Heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men who suppress the truth in unrighteousness, because that which is known about God is evident within them; for made it evident to them. For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes, His eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly seen, being understood through what has been made, so that they are without excuse. For even though they knew God, they did not honor Him as God or five thanks, but they became futile in their speculations, and their foolish heart was darkened. Professing to be wise, they became fools.” The Christian view of God is such that God is not one to prove His existence with overwhelming power. He wants to accept Him on the basis of faith (Mark 10:15). His grace and mercy are available to everyone, not just the intellectual but also the little child. Scientists have for many years marveled at the order and the design of the universe and the complex structure of a single cell. All of creation points to an awesome, super mathematician, fantastic engineer. He is a designer who is far beyond all that we can imagine. In much the same way that studying the work of an artist will tell us something about the character of the artist, examining God’s creation will tell us something about the nature of God.</p>Robert Wiley
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2022-08-082022-08-0842152310.34306/conferenceseries.v4i2.926Christian Social Ethics in A Multicultural Society
<p>Christian social ethics mean the unfolding of the basic Christian witness into the multiple dimensions of human existence. This paper proceeds in five steps. First it recalls the basic witness Christians are called to give: that God is with us, that we may trust God and that we give witness to God's love thru our love. Second, it is stressed that by love is not meant an emotion, but an attitude and action: respect for a person, including her rights, care and responsibility for her well being, refusal to give room to hatred, jealousy and arrogance. Third this Christian love has to be unfolded thru the whole expanse of human existence, the cultural, political, social and economic dimensions. Humankind faces five serious challenges. The fourth section asks what specific challenges Indonesia faces and what is demanded of us. The paper ends, fifth, by suggesting four concrete areas where every follower of Jesus could make her or his witness become real.</p>Franz Magnis-Suseno
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2022-08-082022-08-0842243010.34306/conferenceseries.v4i2.939In Turbulent Times Teach As Led The Depth Of God
<p>Turbulent times have been prevalent throughout human history. Are these times somehow different? I expect we all have both similar and different perspectives. This talk will review turbulent times, past, today, and the future. As a scientist, my approach is to seek and organize facts. Our guide will be God’s creation, Word, and Holy Spirit. From these and His guidance let’s relate our times to God’s plan. Join me as the Lord leads us – to understanding and wisdom. I look forward to our time together – all disciples. Of special interest to me is the concluding discussion period. Opportunities for all of us to learn from each other. </p>E. Rex Krueger
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2022-08-082022-08-0842314910.34306/conferenceseries.v4i2.947Human And Divine Violence Problems in The Old Testament
<p><em><span style="font-weight: 400;">In the Old Testament, there are several verses that support the existence of violence and warfare, which can be subject to debate. A theological explanation within the appropriate context is necessary to understand that God, in both the Old and New Testaments, is an unchanging God of mercy and holiness. The research conducted follows a descriptive-analytical approach. The study findings demonstrate that God remains consistent in His character. Violence is an expression of God’s wrath when humans go against His laws. He is a God who hates sin and opposes those who refuse to repent. It is not humanity’s task to demand that God conform to standards like His creation. As creations, our task is to understand His character and seek reconciliation with Him. Through the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross, reconciliation between God and humanity was made possible, as all of God’s wrath was poured out on the cross.</span></em></p>Felisi Sorgwe
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2022-08-082022-08-0842506110.34306/conferenceseries.v4i2.946Storytelling As Imaginational Art In Christian Education
<p><em><span style="font-weight: 400;">Storytelling, or creative communication, has numerous benefits in the classroom and in communicating truth outside of the classroom. Research has shown that there are 9 different learning intelligences, but traditional education deals with only two - verbal, and logical-mathematical. This leaves out a large percentage of students who learn in other ways. Storytelling/drama/creative communication allows educators to work with more than one kind of intelligence. Stories connect with our imaginations and emotions, and challenge beliefs and behaviours in non-threatening ways. Several forms of storytelling can be used in and out of the classroom to help deepen the Christian education experience.</span></em></p> <p><em> </em></p>Julisa Rowe
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2022-08-082022-08-0842627210.34306/conferenceseries.v4i2.933Intercultural Communication and Religious Belief in Eastern Countries
<p><em>Eastern countries require the same process as Western or Southern, or Northern, to achieve effective religious communication. The process does not differ from one country or another, nor between one religion and another. Four fundamental principles of communication guide effective ministry: Communication is (demands) involvement; Communication is a process; Communication is what is heard, not only what is said, meaning is internal and individual; and The Holy Spirit will guide and empower communication as we listen and trust Him. Spiritual meaning is developed through each principle by involvement with the people, love, and sharing personal experience of Jesus.</em></p>Donald K. Smith
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2022-08-082022-08-0842737810.34306/conferenceseries.v4i2.948Introduction to Eco-Literacy Through The Utilization of Plastic Waste Media As A Strategy For Instilling The Value of Christian Education in Early Childhood
<p><em>This study aims to analyze and describe strategies for instilling the value of Christian Education in early childhood by introducing eco-literacy in using plastic waste media. Theoretically, this research helps add scientific studies related to Christian Education learning media and eco-literacy in early childhood by utilizing plastic waste in Manado City. This research is also expected to enrich scientific research in the field of eco-literacy in early childhood in Manado City and can be a reference for further research. This study uses a qualitative research method with a descriptive analysis approach based on library research. This research is located at GMIM Anugerah Tingkulu Kindergarten, Manado City, held from March to June 2022. The results of this study indicate that the introduction of the concept of eco-literacy in early childhood could be done through plastic waste media. Christian Education's values observed in this research are Values of Gratitude, Values of Responsibility, and Communal Values.</em></p>Jeane Marie TulungFebri Kurnia Manoppo
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2022-08-082022-08-0842798810.34306/conferenceseries.v4i2.935Thanksgiving Religion Of Minahasan Christian In Manado: A Lived Religion Perspective
<p><em><span style="font-weight: 400;">This article explores how Minahasan Christians live in Manado on a daily basis. This paper employed an approach from the sociology of religion, particularly the perspective of lived religion. Our research focuses on the tradition of thanksgiving in Minahasa. Using the perspective of lived religion this article concluded that thanksgiving as the living religion of Minahasan Christian in Manado because almost everything in the life of Minahasan Christian is depicted from the framework of gratitude. This research uses qualitative method with literature study and observation to the life of Minahasan Christian in Manado, especially to the thanksgiving tradition. At the end part, this article analyse the opportunities on doing theology with the perspective of lived religion.</span></em></p>Leonardo C DendengLilly Yulida Wasida
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2022-08-082022-08-0842899710.34306/conferenceseries.v4i2.930Grand Theological Approach For Minahasa Christians In Manado: An Effort To Initiate A Theology In The Context Of A Consumptive Lifestyle
<p><em>This article attempts to elaborate on theology that could be derived from the context of the Minahasa Christian community in Manado, particularly concerning the consumptive lifestyle. Manadonese, who predominately belong to the Minahasa ethnic group and are Christians (Protestants), has a reputation in Indonesia for leading very extravagant, consumptive lifestyles. By gathering observational data and researching relevant literature, the method is qualitative and takes a lived religion approach. By using the lived religion approach, data collection from observations is concentrated on daily life and what the community lives rather than institutional doctrine. The relevant grand theology as a broad starting point, which can later be refined specifically, is context-focused contextual theology or, to make it more comprehensive, multi-textual theology.</em></p>Leonardo C Dendeng
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2022-08-082022-08-08429810910.34306/conferenceseries.v4i2.932The Perception of Congregational Assemblies in Improving the Quality of Christian Family Fellowship
<p><em>The apostle Paul in most of his epistles wrote about teaching, nurturing or pastoralizing to members of the church in order to live as follows the will of God. It shows that in the time of the New Testament the apostles and other servants of God in building the congregation not only emphasized on the issue of numbers but also aggravated the problem of the quality of life of the congregation itself. This study aims to determine the perception of the congregational assembly in improving the quality of Christian family fellowship. This study was conducted at the evangelical christian church (GKI) klasis Sentani congregation Hermon Hollo Him Papua, using a qualitative method through the distribution of questionnaires to the congregational assembly. The results showed that the congregational assembly understood that teaching and guiding church members is an important task mandated (100%), must be done wholeheartedly (83%), and always guided by the Bible (61%). However, sometimes in its teaching the Congregational Assembly felt less certain that they were accepted by members of the congregation (61%), this was likely due to the congregation's lack of preparation and knowledge of how to properly teach and guide christian families (56%). The quality of christian family fellowship is judged by two things, namely having biblical knowledge of the christian family and having the example of Christ. Members of the congregation place Christ as the head of the family (100%), also knowing the basis for the formation of a christian family, even if they do not understand very well how to form a quality christian family fellowship (67%). The attitude shown in Christ's example is to make the Bible a guide for life (56%), active in participating in worship (39%%), active in spiritual activities (44%) and always having an attitude of mutual love for others (44%). Based on these results, it can be concluded that aspects of teaching and guidance for members of the congregation have been carried out by the congregational assembly, but still require good guidance for members of the congregation, especially the congregational assembly as the leader of the church so that the quality of christian family fellowship occurs better.</em></p>Fredrik WarwerAlfius AninamAlbertus Y. Fatlolona
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2022-08-082022-08-084211011610.34306/conferenceseries.v4i2.938The Church in the Midst of Religious Pluralism: Christianity with the Ideology of Pancasila
<p>The foundation of Indonesia is Pancasila that allows 6 religions in our country to live<br>together in society. Therefore, it is a country with a high religious pluralism level, yet the<br>churches nowadays are being exclusive in the society. Christians as a minority tend to be<br>distant with the society members around them. While the principles in Christianity are actually<br>encouraging Christians to be able to be inclusive in society. This research has the purpose to<br>show the importance of the churches being inclusive. The method used is a qualitative method<br>with a literature study approach. The focus of the research is on the application of the<br>principles of Christianity that are not against the Christian faith and Pancasila to be applied<br>practically in the midst of religious pluralist society. The result of the research shows that<br>Christianity could be exclusive in the matter of faith and inclusive in life application. The<br>teaching of Christian faith definitely is not against the basic values of the Indonesian ideology,<br>that is Pancasila.</p>Sri Ayu Dyah UtamiSetio Dharma KusumaSofia MargaretaEdi SugiantoSion Saputra
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2022-08-082022-08-084211712310.34306/conferenceseries.v4i2.923The Concept of Achievement of Insan Kamil According to Sheikh Muhammad Nafis Al- Banjari
<p><em>Humans frequently engage in the act of praying. Those who hold religious beliefs and faith are likely to pray on a daily basis. Typically, when people pray, they make requests or express their thoughts to their Creator. Prayer is commonly perceived as a way to communicate with God. During prayer, individuals speak and interact with God, anticipating a response. Consequently, prayer is not an unfamiliar or unusual practice for humans since it involves speaking directly to God. This qualitative research study aims to explore the role of prayer in the spiritual lives of Christian believers using a Bible exegetical approach, in particular the Lord’s Prayer. The research utilizes the extensive knowledge and background of biblical passages in Matthew 6:5-13 that are connected to prayer with the objective of understanding the beliefs, practices, and experiences of Christian believers. Findings reveal that prayer plays a significant role in the spiritual lives of Christian believers, providing a means of communication with God, fostering a sense of intimacy and relationship with God, and serving as a source of comfort, guidance, and empowerment.</em></p>Ahmad Habib
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2022-08-082022-08-084212413410.34306/conferenceseries.v4i2.956When Shari‘a Meets Haqiqa: The Core of ‘Abd al-Qadir al-Jilani’s Sufism
<p><em><span style="font-weight: 400;">Sufism is perhaps the most disputed part of Islam. Regarding its ontological status, some scholars assume it as acculturation of non-Islamic culture, so that by implication it is contrary to Islamic teachings. On the other hand, not a few argue that sufism is a representation of orthodoxy that arises from—and not to—the heart of the Islamic tradition, so that its teachings do not collide with the Islamic dogmas. This paper aims to discuss ‘Abd al-Qadir al-Jilani’s sufism in relation to this academic constellation. Through a qualitative analysis of al-Jilani’s works, this paper shows that the true sufism according to al-Jilani originates from Islamic teachings and is not anti-nomian in its nature. In his teachings, epistemologically sufism itself requires the integration of the shari‘a and the haqiqa in a balanced way, in both theoretical and practical spheres. This integration has axiological implications for the deeper meaning of Islamic dogmas, so as understood not only legally and formally, but also morally and spiritually.</span></em></p>Sansan Ziaul Haq
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2022-08-082022-08-084213515010.34306/conferenceseries.v4i2.924Syncretism: The Strongholds of Tradition, Teaching, and Legend
<p><em>The world of Christianity in Indonesia has a complicated history and culture. The Indian sub-continent, Arab and Chinese traders, European colonialism, and American interests have influenced the indigenous culture over centuries and developed complicated relationships within the country. This complex mixture makes Indonesia unique to the rest of Southeast Asia—possibly the rest of the world—and raises challenges to spreading the gospel. Indonesian Christian denominations face those challenges when encountering the gospel with different cultures around Indonesia. There is a constant tension of assimilation between local culture and the gospel. This tension pressures pastors to take compromising actions at a level that is sometimes dangerous because they have crossed the boundaries of contextualization and are trapped in syncretism.</em></p>Stephanas Budiono
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2022-08-082022-08-084215116210.34306/conferenceseries.v4i2.922The Contribution of Christians Towards Indonesia’s Vision 2045
<p><em>The Bible covers both personal salvation and important matters of nationality that can impact the life of a believer. According to Scripture, governments derive their power from God and are responsible for maintaining civil order. God is the ultimate source of power and his will supersedes all others. However, because governments are run by individuals with free will, some authorities follow God’s will while others do not. Regardless, all kingdoms and powers are ultimately under God’s supervision and control, and even those that oppose God’s will are serving his purpose. In fact, the early church was able to spread in part due to the persecution it faced from the Roman government. Similarly, the Indonesian government is viewed as having a divine right. As a rising economic power and is expected to become one of the Big Five economies by 2045, Indonesia must prepare to face both opportunities and challenges. Christians have a responsibility to be a blessing to our nation.</em></p>Gandi Wibowo
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2022-08-082022-08-084216317010.34306/conferenceseries.v4i2.937State and Religion in Indonesia (Implementation of Regulations on Places of Worship in Christianity)
<p><em>In the academic sphere, the relationship between the state and religion is a significant topic of discussion. The separation of the state and religion can lead to the failure of citizens. Every religious activity must comply with state regulations. The importance of the house of worship is an essential teaching of every religion. Therefore, state intervention in religious life is necessary to ensure harmony in the state. This study used a qualitative descriptive method to provide an overview of Christian attitudes as citizens in the nation and state. There are three points that need to be applied in the life of diverse states. First, relevance is essential. A Christian must be relevant in the context of the Indonesian nation, actively participate in the state, and have practical political knowledge. Therefore, every Christian and church must comply with the regulations set by the Indonesian state. Second, engagement is crucial. In the incarnate ministry, there is an emphasis on engaging with people and living a Christ-like life. This model of ministry must apply to the church’s ministry and mission. It means every Christian must contextualize the state’s life without compromising on sin. Third, tolerance is significant. Christians must view differences as a gift from God in the nation and state. They should not force their teachings on others. They should prioritize religious moderation and make Christian values and the 1945 Constitution the basis of religious, state, and social life. Good citizens should have nothing to fear, and if they are not responsible to the state, then they are not responsible to God. </em></p>Bara Izzat Wiwah Handaru
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2022-08-082022-08-084217118210.34306/conferenceseries.v4i2.949Marginalized People in the Gospel of Luke
<p><em>It can be said that Jesus’s main mission on this earth was to preach about the Kingdom of God. The Gospel of Luke highlights the theme of the kingdom of God. Luke narrated the beginning of Jesus' ministry when He read from the book of Isaiah in the synagogue in Nazareth. Jesus declared that Isaiah’s prophecy was being fulfilled in front of the audience in the synagogue. The prophecy talked of the Messiah's ministry to four groups of people, and each of those groups was targeted by the Messiah’s ministry. They were clearly marginalized people then, and they can be related to the marginalized people in today’s society.</em></p>Lukas Yuniarto Chandra
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2022-08-082022-08-084218319110.34306/conferenceseries.v4i2.929Christian Leadership (Biblical Strategic Leadership in a Time of Crisis)
<p><em>Tough times are a real test and a maker of great leaders. Those who emerge as great leaders are those who have a proper strategy in place for allocating scarce resources. The crisis for Christian leaders, especially church leaders in Indonesia, is the lack of ability to face adversity through the right strategy. The root of this problem is the dichotomous mindset of church leaders that separates biblical knowledge from strategic knowledge. Ironically, the Bible has all knowledge of strategy. Furthermore, it should be the basis for determining the right strategy. In constructing a strategy, leaders should collect data through surveys and observation, provide clear and concise directions, and involve the right people in their teams. They should also consider where the younger generations fit into this process. When implementing a strategy, leaders should focus on making progress through concrete steps rather than just holding events, and prioritize urgent tasks while also keeping the overall vision and spirit of the organization in mind.</em></p>Ary Mardi WibowoAntonius Kurniawan
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2022-08-082022-08-084219220310.34306/conferenceseries.v4i2.950A Biblical Hermeneutical Study on Literal Interpretation
<p><em>The aim of this research is to discover the fundamental principle of literal interpretation as it pertains to biblical hermeneutics. Hermeneutics is a discipline that establishes principles or techniques for interpreting the meaning of a particular author’s work. Over time, there have been numerous contradictions in the interpretation of the Bible in the field of hermeneutics. This study specifically focuses on biblical hermeneutics and identifies the principles of literal interpretation. This research employs a descriptive qualitative method, with data analysis conducted using Miles and Huberman’s theory. The study reveals three principles of biblical hermeneutics, namely genre context, historical context, and grammatical context. The principles are useful for interpreting the Bible according to a literal interpretation. Moreover, hermeneutics is essential for Bible interpreters to objectively determine the meaning of a text, given its divine inspiration and significance. Ignoring this guide can lead to flawed theories since hermeneutics is the science of biblical interpretation. Previous studies indicate that having an open and curious mindset assists people in comprehending and following the Scripture.</em></p>Hanoch Herkanus HamadiMaria Benedicta Dian SavitriPricilia Manopo
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2022-08-082022-08-084220421310.34306/conferenceseries.v4i2.936Christian Ethics and Distance Education
<p><em>Ever since the declaration of the Covid-19 pandemic as a worldwide crisis, the</em> <em>educational approach across the world has undergone a transformation. Both teachers and</em> <em>students are using an online method of teaching and learning. In applying this method,</em> <em>they experience a new challenge related to the moral and ethical aspects of online learning</em> <em>or distance education.</em> <em>This study aims to determine the application of Christian ethics in</em> <em>distance education. It uses a qualitative approach. The study suggests that incorporating</em> <em>Christian ethics, which are founded on the principles of God’s teachings, should be</em> <em>integrated into distance education, as secular ethical principles are insufficient in</em> <em>establishing the value of absolute truth. Utilizing Christian ethical principles as a compass</em> <em>can serve as a reliable method for addressing moral and ethical inquiries. It has the</em> <em>potential to positively impact individuals who follow it. By embracing it as a solution,</em> <em>one can reduce or even conquer any challenges associated with ethical dilemmas.</em></p>Silas Sudarman
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2022-08-082022-08-084221422310.34306/conferenceseries.v4i2.945Paul’s Pattern of Handling the Pop Culture Based on 1 Corinthians 9:19-27
<p>The emergence of pop culture is inevitable and irresistible. Society in general will find it difficult to accept something new and tend to reject it until there are positives to be found. Despite the absence of any positive aspects, popular culture will continue to exist and evolve as long as a sufficient number of people in society have embraced it through the advanced information technology available on the internet today. After a particular notion or conviction has been acknowledged by specific segments of society, it becomes difficult for even the more established members of the community to question or disprove it. Refusing to accept the new culture, such as pop culture, could lead to social unrest and possibly even trigger conflicts. To ensure that the culture continues to exist and evolve in a regulated manner, it must be handled with appropriate and intelligent methods. Communication channels must be kept open to allow the Gospel to guide the development of the new culture in a constructive direction.</p>Pan Djun Tjhong
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2022-08-082022-08-084222423110.34306/conferenceseries.v4i2.927A Comparative Study of the Significance of Suffering in James 1:2-4
<p>When individuals are confronted with challenging situations, they may contemplate whether the difficulties are the results of divine intervention or evil influences. Even more, they may also believe that the negative outcomes they are experiencing are the results of the sin they have committed. Rather than just assessing the impact of these trials on their lives, it is essential to consider whose perspective to adopt when dealing with adversity. Different religious and belief systems offer varying views on the causes of suffering and hardship. In this qualitative research, a comparative study is applied to examine several belief systems, including Christianity, Judaism, Hinduism, and Buddhism. As a result, one can gain insight into the origin of life’s difficulties and adopt a suitable mindset. The findings of this research can be particularly helpful for Christians, as they can better comprehend the role of suffering in life and cultivate a perspective that strives to be conformed to the image of God.</p>Maria Benedicta Dian Savitri
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2022-08-082022-08-084223223910.34306/conferenceseries.v4i2.928The Effect of Communication on the Social Interaction of Parents and Children Living Under the Kalijodo Bridge (West Jakarta)
<p> </p> <p><em>As social beings, humans like to live and engage in groups or communities. The urge for interpersonal interaction has an impact on someone’s behavior, emotions, and mental health. In particular on the mentality of young children. Human beings are complex creatures who possess the ability to think, communicate, perceive, and experience emotions. They have a fundamental need for social connections to fulfill their emotional and psychological requirements, as well as to seek information and assistance. It is also crucial for them to form connections and understand each other. This phenomenon appears in individuals residing in suburban areas outside Jakarta, the capital city, or even those living beneath bridges in large cities. Considering their busy work to afford daily requirements, they scarcely know and appreciate how vital their relationship with one another is. As a result, children frequently become victims at work. They need to put in a lot of effort to survive. At this age, they should have spent more time in school, learning, playing, and spending time with their families than the other way around. This research uses a qualitative method. The aim of this study is to emphasize the significance of active participation in one’s own life and skillful communication in fostering healthy relationships among families and communities. Effective communication between parents and the community can promote constructive engagement and positive relationships between parents and their children.</em></p>Tita Langi
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2022-08-082022-08-084224024710.34306/conferenceseries.v4i2.921Holy Anointing Oil Tradition in Eastern Orthodox Church Perspective
<p><em><span style="font-weight: 400;">The fact that there are many different types of holy anointing oil available for purchase suggests that there is a high demand for this traditional practice. To gain a better understanding of this tradition, it would be helpful to examine its ancient roots. This article focuses on the use, purpose, and meaning of holy anointing oil within the Eastern Orthodox Church. This church is one of the oldest religious institutions that practices this tradition. The research method employed in this study is qualitative and involves a thorough review of relevant literature. By the end of this investigation, the article aims to explore the biblical perspective on holy anointing oil and how the tradition is viewed within this context. The Epistle of James is one of the most frequently cited texts concerning the use of anointing oil. According to James, the central theme of the letter is the importance of combining faith with good deeds.</span></em></p>John Abraham Steve KalaloRicky Sutjiadi
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2022-08-082022-08-084224825510.34306/conferenceseries.v4i2.920Exegesis of the Lord’s Prayer in Matthew 6-5-13 and the Implications
<p><em>Humans frequently engage in the act of praying. Those who hold religious beliefs and faith are likely to pray on a daily basis. Typically, when people pray, they make requests or express their thoughts to their Creator. Prayer is commonly perceived as a way to communicate with God. During prayer, individuals speak and interact with God, anticipating a response. Consequently, prayer is not an unfamiliar or unusual practice for humans since it involves speaking directly to God. This qualitative research study aims to explore the role of prayer in the spiritual lives of Christian believers using a Bible exegetical approach, in particular the Lord’s Prayer. The research utilizes the extensive knowledge and background of biblical passages in Matthew 6:5-13 that are connected to prayer with the objective of understanding the beliefs, practices, and experiences of Christian believers. Findings reveal that prayer plays a significant role in the spiritual lives of Christian believers, providing a means of communication with God, fostering a sense of intimacy and relationship with God, and serving as a source of comfort, guidance, and empowerment.</em></p>Tita Delila Tukunang
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2022-08-082022-08-084225626110.34306/conferenceseries.v4i2.955A Critique of Thomas Aquinas’ Three Percepts of the Old Testament Law
<p><em>Aquinas’ three-part classification of the Old Testament law has gained popularity and is proving to be useful in addressing challenging questions about the Old Testament law when presented to modern audiences. This qualitative study will examine Aquinas’ thesis by examining it from the perspective of biblical writers. The hermeneutics approach will be used to investigate the three-part division of the Old Testament law in order to comprehend the division and its history as closely as possible to the author’s original intention, as God commanded through him. This critique intends to acknowledge and appreciate the valuable contributions of Thomas Aquinas in assisting modern believers in comprehending the intricate biblical law. Furthermore, it aims to align the context of the law with a biblical worldview. To comprehend the Old Testament law accurately, it is necessary to have a profound understanding of moral and ethical principles that transcend time, along with approaching the Old Testament law with the proper heart attitude. Such an approach can enable contemporary believers to view the Old Testament law as a guide that remains pertinent and practical in daily life.</em></p>Roy SujantoJoshua Ary Pratama
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2022-08-082022-08-084226226910.34306/conferenceseries.v4i2.952 Five Things to Learn from the Discipleship of Jesus
<p><em>The development and progression of Christianity for more than two thousand years has created many variations in terms of views regarding how to run a church and do discipleship. As a result, there are many debates and frictions when people of different backgrounds and demographics meet as fellow workers in local churches. There are different opinions about how discipleship should be done, from a wide range of backgrounds and scales of local churches whose number of members vary. This paper is written with the purpose of examining several principles of discipleship that Jesus demonstrated in the gospels, as well as seeing their implications for churches in the modern era. This paper discusses the definition of biblical discipleship, and how the initiation for discipleship should come from the disciple maker. When discipleship is forced, there will be discomfort that needs to be embraced in the process. In serving, a disciple maker should take the posture of a servant, not a superintendent, towards the disciple and be involved in the life of the disciple to share life with him or her.</em></p>Antonius Kurniawan
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2022-08-082022-08-084227027710.34306/conferenceseries.v4i2.957The Dark Side of Religious Pluralism According to Alan Race’s Theory
<p>Opposing religions can experience prolonged chaos due to conflicts arising from differences in beliefs. Therefore, it is a hope that religious pluralism will provide a fresh outlook on such inter-religious conflicts. Amid these conditions, religious pluralism offers a new approach to reducing and eliminating inter-religious conflicts. Religious pluralism brings in a solution that carries the concept that no religion is superior to the other. It eliminates the differences between each religion and unifies the similarities. However, it actually brings new problems. On the contrary, religious pluralism poses a threat to religions rather than providing relief. The understanding and practice of religious pluralism itself inform them that they bring a new threat to religious harmony and freedom. The purpose of this paper is to reveal the dark side of the notion of religious pluralism. This research is educational in nature to understand the effects of religious pluralism and for those who see religious pluralism as a peacemaker.</p>Monang Ranto Vaber Simamora
Copyright (c) 2022 Conference Series
2022-08-082022-08-084227828710.34306/conferenceseries.v4i2.934The Effectiveness of Evangelism by the Wordless Book Method for Children Aged 5-12 Years at Rumah Belajar Mega
<p>An interesting period of human development to study is childhood, especially middle childhood or school age. The development of children at this school age is physically slow growth but the cognitive development of children begins to develop well. Also, the influence of peers will greatly affect their development. Therefore, it is necessary to start teaching about evangelism so that there is a balance between the spiritual and psychological development of children. This research was conducted on several children at Rumah Belajar Mega in West Bandung Regency. The demographics of the population in this area are predominantly Sundanese and Muslim. The researcher will see the effectiveness of the application of teaching evangelism to children using the wordless book method in the age range of 5-12 years. This research is descriptive qualitative. The research sample was 30 children who were students of Rumah Belajar Mega. The results of the research were obtained from direct observation and interviews with research subjects, and well documented through photos and videos. Children’s understanding of the Bible improved well, besides that there were also good character changes.</p>Rocky Markiano
Copyright (c) 2022 Conference Series