Analysis and Development of a Football Scouting App based on Flutter: A Case Study of A3N


  • Andri Zefrinaldi Telkom University
  • Nungki Selviandro Telkom University
  • Gia Septiana Wulandari Telkom University



Application, Flutter, Multiplatform, Open Source, Scouting


Scouting is a crucial aspect of football, where the team's success depends heavily on the ability to select the right player. To minimize risk and optimize resources, teams can utilize the football scouting application. Unfortunately, existing applications still have limitations, especially in support of multiple platforms, and are open source. Therefore, this research is focused on developing a football scouting application that supports multiple platforms and is open source, using a single codebase-based Flutter Framework. Using Flutter, the app can be created based on just one code base, which can be compiled directly on Android and iOS platforms. The developed application has several superior features. First, the application allows the admin to insert player data into the database. Another feature is the ability to search for players based on names that users include. In addition, the application is also able to display a list of players based on the position chosen by the user. Finally, the application can display the complete data and statistics of the currently active player. Through the implementation of the selected development method, the implementation of this system can contribute significantly to supporting the scouting process in football teams. Thus, this application can increase the efficiency and effectiveness of decision-making within the scope of football scouting activities.


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How to Cite

Zefrinaldi, A., Selviandro, N., & Wulandari, G. S. (2024). Analysis and Development of a Football Scouting App based on Flutter: A Case Study of A3N. ADI Journal on Recent Innovation, 5(2), 181–191.


