Increase in the Abundance of Invasive Fish Species in the Ciliwung River, DKI Jakarta and West Java Provinces


  • Noer Sarifah Ainy STKIP Arrahmaniyah
  • Iqbal Mujadid STKIP Arrahmaniyah
  • Nestiyanto Hadi STKIP Arrahmaniyah
  • Lutfiralda Sjahfirdi University of Indonesia



Ciliwung River, Invasive Fish, Ecological Research


The Ciliwung River is one of the important rivers in the Jakarta Special Capital Region (DKI Jakarta) and West Java. The existence of local fish in the Ciliwung River is threatened by the presence of invasive fish. This research aims to identify the types of invasive fish along the Ciliwung River from 2023 to 2024 and compare them with previous research in 2011. The study uses 6 segments according to Minister of Environment and Forestry Decree No. SK.298/Menlhk/Setjen/PKL.1/6/2017. Each segment consists of 3 research plots, totaling 18 research stations. The sampling method involves collecting fish using environmentally friendly fishing gear. The research results show the presence of 10 species from 5 families and 4 non-native fish orders that are invasive. The most abundant invasive fish species in the Ciliwung River are, in order, Plecostomus (Pterygoplichthys pardalis), Mosquito Fish (Gambusia affinis), Guppy (Poecilia reticulata), Platy (Xiphophorus helleri), Nile Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus), Bristlenose Pleco (Ancistrus temminckii), Glossom (Andinoacara rivulatus), Carp (Cyprinus carpio), Red Devil (Amphilophus labiatus), and African Catfish (Clarias gariepinus). There has been a 100% increase in the number of invasive fish species in the Ciliwung River compared to the 2011 study, which identified only 5 invasive fish species.


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How to Cite

Sarifah Ainy, N., Mujadid, I., Hadi, N., & Sjahfirdi, L. (2024). Increase in the Abundance of Invasive Fish Species in the Ciliwung River, DKI Jakarta and West Java Provinces. ADI Journal on Recent Innovation, 6(1), 17–31.


