Analysis of Factors Influencing Intention to Adopt Battery Electric Vehicle in Indonesia


  • Muhammad Candra Saputra University of Surabaya
  • Erna Andajani University of Surabaya



Battery Electric Vehicle, Environmental Concern, Financial Incentive Policy, Intention Adopt, Moral Norm, Perceived Behavioral Control, Perceived Risk, Subjective Norm


The emergence of environmental pollution problems in recent years has compelled the transportation sector to embrace environmentally friendly electric vehicles. Indonesia, being a significant market for both two-wheeled and four-wheeled vehicles, nevertheless experiences relatively low adoption of electric vehicles (EVs). This study aims to analyze the influence of attitudes, subjective norms, perceptions of behavioral control, moral norms, environmental awareness, financial incentive policies, and risk perceptions on the intention to adopt battery electric vehicles (BEVs). This research falls under the category of basic research, specifically quantitative in nature, involving the analysis of numerical data using statistical methods. Data for the study were collected through an online questionnaire using a non-probability purposive sampling design. The collected data were processed using SPSS 25 software and subjected to a Partial Least Square Test. The data analysis for this study utilized SmartPLS software version 3.2.7. Results based on a sample of 224 respondents suggest that attitudes and subjective norms do not significantly influence BEV adoption intentions. However, while perceived behavioral controls, moral norms, environmental concerns, and financial incentives have a positive and significant impact on willingness to adopt battery electric vehicles (BEVs), the perceived risks , has a negative and significant impact on BEV adoption intentions.


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Author Biography

Erna Andajani, University of Surabaya

Dr. Erna Andajani S.T., M.M., CRM., MPU. (Dosen FBE Universitas Surabaya)


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How to Cite

Saputra, M. C., & Andajani, E. . (2023). Analysis of Factors Influencing Intention to Adopt Battery Electric Vehicle in Indonesia. ADI Journal on Recent Innovation, 5(2), 100–109.


